A1 Home Pest Control, Inc.
You will find information here on common pests.

Having rodents in your structure can be very dangerous for many reasons. They can carry disease, chew through electric wiring, urinateand deficate all over and worst of all........we can hear them at NIGHT! No need to worry, A1 Home Pest Control, Inc. has several different ways to eliminate your rodent issues; from snap traps to have a heart traps and exclusion of the structure.
We all know that termites can do a LOT of expensive damage; which can go years unseen or noticed by the home owner. There are things we can do to prevent, treat, or monitor termites, depending on the needs of the structure. A1 Home Pest Control, Inc. can do that effectively and much more efficiently to you and your structure. Call today for more information.
Getting rid of spiders is tricky and why would you really? They are nature's pest control, but we understand that some people just do not like them or are afraid of the poisonous ones. There is no baiting for spiders and contact residue is not going to work well at all. The only viable treatment is to knock down webs, contact kill ones that are seen, and removing food source.
To remove food source it is a good idea to have pest control on your home as well as lawn pest control. This treatment works very well and deters any spiders because there are little to no bugs in the yard for them to feed on.
Fleas are annoying and can get out of hand fast! They can come from just about anywhere.
Roaches are a breed of their own: they come in all sizes, from little ones to big flying ones. (YUCK) But our focus is on the little roaches known as German Roaches. They are very hard to get rid for other companies. A1 Home Pest Control, Inc has a German Roach protocol that ERADICATES these nasty little guys once and for all! Our eradication rate runs 85-95% eradication on just the first visit alone (this applies to light to moderate infestations).
There are hundreds of species of ants in Florida, some are harder to get rid of than others.